API Enumerations

A list of the available enumerations in our REST API is available bellow.


Defines the types of OAuth 2.0/OpenId Connect flows and possible combinations available to the application. Please refer to the Types of Application section of the documentation for more details on application flows.

Value Name Description
1 Implicit Enables the implicit flow.
2 ImplicitAndClientCredentials Enables the implicit and client credentials flows.
3 Code Enables the code flow.
4 CodeAndClientCredentials Enables the code and client credentials flows.
5 Hybrid Enables the hybrid flow which combines features from the implicit and the code flow.
6 HybridAndClientCredentials Enables the hybrid and client credentials flows.
7 ClientCredentials Enables the client credentials flow.
8 ResourceOwnerPassword Enables the resource owner password flow.
9 ResourceOwnerPasswordAndClientCredentials Enables the resource owner password and client credentials flows.


The format of the access tokens generated to an application.

Value Name Description
0 Jwt The JWT token format.
1 Reference A 64 digit string that uniquely identifies the token. In order to validate the token, the application must access the Instrospection Endpoint. Read more in the Reference Token Guide.


Defines how the password will be provided by the user in an application.

Value Name Description
0 Normal The user types the password using the keyboard available.
1 TwoDigitButtons The user views a group of five buttons with two digits and selects the buttons that corresponds to it's password. This requires that a special password policy is defined in the subscription to allow passwords that contain digits only. Please note that setting this policy significantly reduces the strength of passwords in your subscription.


Defines the mode of authentication factors required when a user logs in an application.

Value Name Description
0 Disabled No authentication factor is required during log in.
1 One One of the available authentication selected is required during log in. If more than one option is selected, the user will be prompted to select his preferred option.
2 All All of the selected authentication factors will be required during log in.


Defines how to validate claim values before storing it.

Value Name Description
0 None No validation.
1 Cpf CPF validation.
2 Cnpj CNPJ validation.
3 EcuadorId EcuadorId
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